Some of the spaces that I will share today, have already been mentioned in the videos of the week #lixozeroportugal referring to the challenge #setembrosudosentavel. However, and because we may want to review, I will repeat.
O primeiro espaço/restaurante onde testei o meu Kit ZW almoço, foi no Celeiro do Gaia Shopping, junto ao hipermercado continente (ver abaixo)
The first space / restaurant where I tested my ZW Lunch Kit, was at the Celeiro of Gaia Shopping, next to the continent hypermarket (see below)

When I got the Celeiro store the staff to look at me whenever they knew I did not want any board or cutlery, I decided to venture into more places in the same mall. Therefore, the remaining places where it is possible to do so, even if we do not feel like changing restaurants or even eating habits to be Zero Waste:
Companhia das Sandes
Wok to Walk
O restaurante Da Terra da baixa da cidade do Porto é um exemplo de um espaço onde podemos usar o nosso Kit ZW, apesar ter sido uma experiência um pouco engraçada (sim porque nestas alturas é preferível levarmos para o lado cómico) o recusar do guardanapo de papel e da palhinha descartável, mas no final, o Daybydayforzerowaste e um grupo de Zero Waster's conseguimos levar a nossa a avante e evitar o desperdício desses dois grandes males para o ambiente.
The Da Terra restaurant downtown Porto is an example of a space where we can use our Kit ZW, although it was a rather funny experience (because at this point it is better to take to the comic side), the refuse of the napkin of paper and straw disposable, but in the end, Daybydayforzerowaste and a group of Zero Waster's got to take ours ahead and avoid the waste of these two great evils for enviroment.
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