It has been customary to test new spaces, or even a space that I used to attend for my weekly lunches.
A Maria Torrada em Valadares, prima por ser um espaço diferente, numa pequena vila, um local de dormitório para a maioria que trabalha por perto, com algumas industrias. Locais para almoçar até vai tendo alguns, mas a maioria comidas tradicionais. Agrada-me o espaço da Maria Torrada pela luz, pela comida, muitas vezes com opções vegetarianas, pela simpatia de quem nos recebe, mas também pelas sobremesas deliciosas pelo olhar e pelo paladar e que prima pela ausência muitas vezes total de açúcar. Recebem-nos a maioria das vezes num tabuleiro metálico sem papel algum. Não existe palhinhas, e os copos são sempre de vidro. Utensílios reutilizáveis. No entanto, os guardanapos são em papel e por isso, desafiador para mim, usar o meu próprio guardanapo de pano. Sim na Maria Torrada podemos usar o nosso guardanapo de pano sem problema algum. Além disto é um espaço sossegado, portanto, ideal para quem precisas de trabalhar ou apenas ler um livro. Recomendo portanto uma visita a este espaço.
At Maria Torrada in Valadares, it is a different space, in a small village, a place of dormitory for the majority that works near, with some industries. Places to eat lunch is going to have some, but most traditional foods. I like the space of Maria Torrada by the light, by the food, often with vegetarian options, by the sympathy of those who receive us, but also by the desserts delicious by the look and the palate and that excels at the absence of often total sugar. They receive us most of the time in a metal tray without any paper. There are no straws, and the glasses are always made of glass. Reusable utensils. However, the napkins are paper and so challenging for me to use my own cloth napkin. Yes at Maria Torrada we can use our cloth napkin without any problem. Besides this is a quiet space, therefore, ideal for those who need to work or just read a book. I therefore recommend a visit to this space.
At Maria Torrada in Valadares, it is a different space, in a small village, a place of dormitory for the majority that works near, with some industries. Places to eat lunch is going to have some, but most traditional foods. I like the space of Maria Torrada by the light, by the food, often with vegetarian options, by the sympathy of those who receive us, but also by the desserts delicious by the look and the palate and that excels at the absence of often total sugar. They receive us most of the time in a metal tray without any paper. There are no straws, and the glasses are always made of glass. Reusable utensils. However, the napkins are paper and so challenging for me to use my own cloth napkin. Yes at Maria Torrada we can use our cloth napkin without any problem. Besides this is a quiet space, therefore, ideal for those who need to work or just read a book. I therefore recommend a visit to this space.
Em Dezembro fui a um novo espaço no Porto com mais umas Zero Waster's. Já vai sendo hábito encontrarmo-nos para partilhar experiências e este último encontro foi no Brick Clérigos. Conseguimos recusar as palhinhas, os guardanapos de papel e usar os nossos de pano, e incrivelmente pudemos beber água da torneira, o que foi um grande avanço e de grande satisfação para mim, mas estranhamente tivemos uma situação caricata, mas felizmente de fácil resolução. Duas Zero Waster's pediram limonada e foi com enorme espanto que lhes foi apresentado um copo com sumo de limão (medida de dois dedos) e uma garrafa de água engarrafada e de plástico. Foi recusado de imediato como seria de esperar, e foi pedido água da torneira para acrescentar ao sumo do limão.
In December I went to a new space in Porto with a few Zero Waster's. It is already a habit to meet to share experiences and this last meeting was at Brick Clérigos. We were able to refuse the straw, paper napkins and cloth napkins, and we were incredibly able to drink water from the tap, which was a great improvement and a great satisfaction for me, but strangely we had a caricature situation, but luckily easy to solve. Two Zero Waster's ordered lemonade and was amazed that they were presented with a glass of lemon juice (measure of two fingers) and a bottle of bottled water and plastic. It was immediately refused as expected, and tap water was requested to add to the lemon juice.
Num sábado de Janeiro fui visitar a Vegana by Tentugal, porque me indicaram que lá vendiam detergentes a granel. Aproveitei e almocei por lá. Neste espaço, podemos igualmente utilizar o nosso guardanapo de pano, sem que nos fiquem a olhar para nós estranhamente. Aproveitei para trazer para casa uns salgados, e coloquei-os dentro de um recipiente meu que tinha trazido de casa.
On a Saturday in January I went to visit Vegana by Tentugal because they told me that they were selling detergents in bulk. I enjoyed it and had lunch there. In this space, we can also use our cloth napkin, without us staring at us strangely. I took some salty ones home and put them in a container of mine that I had brought from home.
In December I went to a new space in Porto with a few Zero Waster's. It is already a habit to meet to share experiences and this last meeting was at Brick Clérigos. We were able to refuse the straw, paper napkins and cloth napkins, and we were incredibly able to drink water from the tap, which was a great improvement and a great satisfaction for me, but strangely we had a caricature situation, but luckily easy to solve. Two Zero Waster's ordered lemonade and was amazed that they were presented with a glass of lemon juice (measure of two fingers) and a bottle of bottled water and plastic. It was immediately refused as expected, and tap water was requested to add to the lemon juice.
Num sábado de Janeiro fui visitar a Vegana by Tentugal, porque me indicaram que lá vendiam detergentes a granel. Aproveitei e almocei por lá. Neste espaço, podemos igualmente utilizar o nosso guardanapo de pano, sem que nos fiquem a olhar para nós estranhamente. Aproveitei para trazer para casa uns salgados, e coloquei-os dentro de um recipiente meu que tinha trazido de casa.
On a Saturday in January I went to visit Vegana by Tentugal because they told me that they were selling detergents in bulk. I enjoyed it and had lunch there. In this space, we can also use our cloth napkin, without us staring at us strangely. I took some salty ones home and put them in a container of mine that I had brought from home.
Em Dezembro fui fazer uma visita a Lisboa. E fui conhecer o Mercado da Ribeira Time Out, no Cais do Sodré. Também lá podemos utilizar o nosso Kit de almoço. No meu caso, fui almoçar a um restaurante asiático, o Asian Lab e recusei todo o tipo de talheres (os funcionários ficaram a pensar se iria comer o almoço com as mãos, lol, e o guardanapo). Só não me foi possível recusar o papel de tabuleiro, porque quando fui buscar o meu almoço, já estava pronto e estava húmido, pois eles passam todos os tabuleiros com um pano molhado. A bebida, não quis porque percebi que existia um quiosque de sumos naturais, Compal Frutológica. Consegui que fosse num copo de vidro e sem palhinha, apesar de ter avisado a funcionária que tinha o meu próprio copo, caso eles servissem em copo de plástico.
In December I went to visit Lisbon. And I went to meet the Ribeira Time Out Market, in Cais do Sodré. Also there we can use our Lunch Kit. In my case, I went to lunch at an Asian restaurant, the Asian Lab and I refused all kind of cutlery (the staff kept wondering if they would eat lunch with their hands, lol, and napkin). I just could not refuse the role of a board, because when I went to get my lunch, it was ready and it was damp, because they pass all the trays with a wet cloth. The drink, I did not want because I realized that there was a kiosk of natural juices, Compal Frutológica. I got it in a glass and no straw, even though I told the clerk that I had my own glass if they were in a plastic cup.
Almocei no Aloha Café, no Principe Real. Logo que fizemos os pedidos, perguntamos se as bebidas vinham com palhinhas, a funcionária respondeu-nos que poderiam colocar se desejássemos, mas eu e a Ana Milhazes Martins, rapidamente lhe respondemos que NÃO. A funcionária até se riu, com a nossa reação.
Conseguimos rejeitar o guardanapo de papel que costuma vir entre a tigela e o prato. Conseguimos recusar o guardanapo de papel e utilizar os nossos de pano e a menina que nos atendeu parecia sensibilizada e habituada a clientes como nós as duas. Ficamos as duas muito agradadas por existir um espaço agradável de energia, de simpatia, de boa comida e de um espaço que acolhe bem os Zero Waster's.
With my trip to Lisbon on the first weekend of January, it was the turn to visit two more places where I was very pleased to be able to use my lunch kit. In one of them even the feedback was quite pleasant.
I had lunch at the Aloha Café, at Príncipe Real. As soon as we made the requests, we asked if the drinks came with straws, the employee answered us that they could put us if we wished, but I and Ana Milhazes Martins, quickly answered that NO. The clerk even laughed at our reaction.
We can discard the paper napkin that usually comes between the bowl and the plate. We managed to refuse the paper napkin and use our cloth napkins and the girl who picked us up seemed sensitized and accustomed to customers like us. We were both very pleased to have a pleasant space of energy, friendliness, good food and a space that welcomes the Zero Waster's.
Jantei no Ao 26 - Vegan Food Project um espaço onde podemos utilizar o nosso guardanapo de pano, mas que infelizmente os chás ainda são servidos em pacotes. E só percebemos isso quando nos foi servido. Para quem tiver curiosidade em conhecer, recomendo que chegam cedo, se possível na hora de abertura, pois rapidamente enche e depois é preciso esperar muito tempo por uma vaga.
Deixo-vos a mensagem que o restaurante, apresenta no menu, pois facilmente se adequa a quem se preocupa com o planeta.
I dined at Ao 26 - Vegan Food Project a space where we can use our cloth napkin, but unfortunately the teas are still served in packages. And we only realized that when we were served. For those who are curious to know, I recommend that you arrive early, if possible at the opening time, as it quickly fills up and then you have to wait a long time for a vacancy.
I leave you the message that the restaurant presents in the menu, because it easily suits those who care about the planet.
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